February 15, 2025

Obtaining knowledge-based certification for Espadana Idea Researchers Company (IPA)

Obtaining knowledge-based certification for Espadana Idea Researchers Company (IPA)

dea Pajohan Espadana Company (IPA) based in the Incubator Center of the University of Isfahan, under the management of Dr. Mojtaba Mahdavi, a member of the faculty of the University of Isfahan, succeeded in obtaining the certificate of knowledge base of the first vice president of science and technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to the Uinews, the Espadana Idea Researchers Company was formed in 2016 by a group of graduates of the country's top universities and managed by Dr. Mojtaba Mahdavi, a faculty member of the University of Isfahan, and was registered in 2009.

So far, the IPA team has succeeded in providing network security solutions such as Sabalan network security and management system and mobile security solutions, including Forg mobile phone security system with native design and implementation.

One of the main goals of IPA from the beginning until now has been to obtain customer satisfaction and meet their needs. In this regard, IPA experienced experts try to communicate directly with customers and guide them in system management during installation, user training and software development based on customer needs. .

It is worth mentioning that four products of Sabalan network security and management system, Sabalan network management system (N2N), secure distributed switch, Sabalan secure telecommunication system after continuous and continuous inspections by experts of the knowledge system of the Islamic Republic of Iran They acquired basic knowledge. Obtaining EFTA security certification, obtaining the title of top researcher in upgrading Samata license grade is another honor of Idea Pajohan company this year.

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