February 15, 2025

Intellectual proprety and commercialization office

The Intellectual Property Office of the University of Isfahan was established in 2010. The goal is to protect the intellectual property of persons at the national and international levels and scientific communication (assessment of claims) with the Patent Office of the country.

Some of the activities of the office are:

- Evaluate the patent claim in collaboration with Iran Patent Office

- Following the registration of inventions procedures by the legal representative of the university.

- Financial and copyright support for the university inventors and innovators

- Consulting service
دانشگاه اصغهان
Isfahan University
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 8174673441
E-mail: roshd-esf@res.ui.ac.ir
Headquarters: +98-313-7934363
Fax: +98-313-7932924
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ui.ac.ir_tech
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