February 15, 2025


Some entrepreneurs greatly come with awesome ideas, but:

- They cannot afford the high costs of running a business in the very beginning

- They are not experienced enough to manage many things at the same time

- High risk of running a new business and uncertainty to become successful

Leads not to start their businesses. Here is when incubator centers come to the scene and provide startup ideas and support in order to run their business with much fewer risks.

They provide facilities for startups ranging from places to link them to investors.

The University of Isfahan also plays the same role with its incubator center where it helps founders to initiate their entrepreneurship journey.

There are facilities and services in the incubator center such as:

- Electronic admission procedure

- Affordable workspace

- 14-20 meters offices

- 10% discount for each member/shareholder of the startup team who is a family

member of the University of Isfahan (student, employee, faculty) (up to three people)

- Discount from zero to 100% of last month's rent for extraordinary activities (participation in exhibitions, visits, etc.)

- Rent discounts for selling products

- Free internet account

- Automation System to be informed on events, workshops, and courses held in the country

- Dedicated web page subset of incubator center website

- Office equipment

- Restrooms

- Special discount for consulting services

- Special discount for workshops and events

- Discount for using the services of the central laboratory and laboratories located in faculties/research centers

- Loans and financial services

- Patent registration nationally and internationally

دانشگاه اصغهان
Isfahan University
Address: Isfahan, Azadi square, University of Isfahan Postal Code: 8174673441
E-mail: roshd-esf@res.ui.ac.ir
Headquarters: +98-313-7934363
Fax: +98-313-7932924
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ui.ac.ir_tech
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